Insider Journalism Secrets on Steroids

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“Now You’ve Got The Program, Get 5 Times The Results!”

Introducing Insider Journalism Secrets On Steroids

“What Many Of My Readers Are Also Taking Advantage Of”

“These EXTRA Secrets Work So Well, You'll Be Getting Paid For Your Journalism Work Within Weeks, Instead Of Months”

From: James Swanwick

If You Got Insider Journalism Secrets, You Need To Know This…[URGENT]

You've made a great decision to grab Insider Journalism Secrets so thank you! And welcome…Now you’ve got Insider Journalism Secrets, do you want to get five times the results? Do you want to get results five times faster than the average person?

What you’ve already bought in Insider Journalism Secrets is perfect. But some people are just SO excited and SO ready and have been waiting SO long, they ask me, “How can I speed this thing up?” They tell me, “James, I need more. I need advanced training.” They tell me, “James, I need the content to really be cemented in my head.”

So because of what you told me, I created a special two-hour video called “Insider Journalism Secrets On Steroids”, which does just that. “Steroids” gives you MORE.

Now that you have Insider Journalism Secrets, you're going to know the awesome, fundamentals to come up with stories, pitch newspapers and magazines and TV stations, and, most importantly, get paid well.

Now let me ask you a SERIOUS QUESTION:

Would you like to JUMP START your journalism career TODAY? Have you ever met people who say they’re going to do something but don’t seem to ever get around to it? Have you ever started something with LOTS of energy and enthusiasm only to lose interest quickly and fall at the final hurdle? You talk about making things happen… You talk about making money on your own… You talk about how things are going to change when you focus

But When It Comes To Actually Taking Action, You Somehow Become Shy And Timid And Conservative

(Even Though You’ve Been Successful Before…)

It’s NO FUN.

I know because I've been in that exact situation…

I’ve started out with various journalistic plans at 100 miles an hour. I’m all motivated. I’m taking action. I get 4 or 5 days into it and then…boom …a couple of things don’t go my way and I get deflated. I get a few rejections from newspapers or magazines and my energy levels just plummet. Has this happened to you – in journalism or any other career? Yes, right? It’s just human nature. You start thinking of all the successful people in the world – friends of yours who seem to have more money, more fun, more free time. You ask yourself, “How did he get to live the life of his dreams?” Or, “How did THAT person get to be a news anchor?” Or you see a journalist on TV or in print and you say to yourself, “I could do that so much better!”

…but you’re stuck not doing it better. In fact, you’re stuck not doing it at all.

The secret is: Having the right mentors to give you the BEST insider information and keeping you motivated to keep going.

Unleash Your Inner Journalist,
The Take-Action-Now, Go-Getter Side Of

As soon as I did, my entire life changed…

I ended up making $1000 a day in my pajamas. I had retainers from THREE magazines around the world – Loaded Magazine in the UK, Ralph Magazine in Australia, and Famous Magazine in Australia. Combined, I was earning more than $100,000 a year in retainers. Why? Because I KNEW the secrets. I KNEW how to take action. I KNEW, from experience, what to say and what NOT to say. Newspaper and magazine and website editors KNEW my name. They offered me work all the time. Sure, I pitched them some stories. But most of the time, journalism hirers came to me. That’s when you know you’re really good at being a journalist. When print and TV media are phoning you and offering you work. But don’t just take my word for it. Take the word of other seasoned journalists and see how they got on.

That's why when I was writing Insider Journalism Secrets, I interviewed 7 successful journalists about their careers. To show you success stories. To show you how to get out there and get motivated. Insider Journalism Secrets gives you so much information and expert advice for you to go out there and create your own journalism career.

BUT…what if there was ANOTHER way to really ensure the content registered in YOUR MIND? What if I REALLY hit home the main, vital points of Insider Journalism Secrets to you via VIDEO? What if I went through each chapter, systematically, breaking down the key messages and reinforcing the strategies in your mind –all on VIDEO? We all need motivation. We all need extra motivation. You need to see other successful journalists corroborate what I tell you in Insider Journalism Secrets. That’s why I brought in one of my trusted journalism friends, Georgia Cassimatis, to create:

Insider Journalism Secrets On Steroids – 
“Two Sensational Hours Of Video And Audio”

Insider Journalism Secrets on Steroids is the bumped up, lots of extra meat, designed to make your journalism career EXPLODE version. It’s 2 mind-blowing hours of video and audio content. It’s Georgia and I talking about each of the Insider Journalism Secrets chapters in more detail. That’s why I call this 2-hour video, “Insider Journalism Secrets On Steroids”

But who is Georgia Cassimatis and why should you listen to her?

Georgia is an award-winning journalist, sitcom writer and published author of the book, Red Carpet Burns. She’s interviewed Hollywood celebrities including Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. After finishing a Masters Degree in Communications where she majored in print media and television, winning an award for sitcom writing and documentaries, she began a career as a writer for Cosmopolitan magazine. Shortly after she was appointed the editor of tween magazine Barbie and spent the next two years interviewing teen idols and organizing kids fashion shoots. She then went to Los Angeles where she spent what she calls the best eight years of her life, living in Hollywood’s inner sanctum. There she worked as an entertainment, travel, lifestyle, health and well-being writer and on-camera reporter for mega-events including the Oscars, the Grammy Awards and a-list movie premieres. In 2010, George wrote an amazing book, Red Carpet Burns: her memoir about life in Los Angeles.

Georgia is a journalist superstar! She has 15 years of international journalism experience. Between us, we have 35 years journalistic experience. We bring that experience to YOU in “Insider Journalism Secrets On Steroids”


**Sample Clip**

You'll Get Insider Journalism Secrets EXPLAINED – Chapter-by-chapter – in Two Hours Of Extra Video :


Watch Me And Georgia Explain to You All Of This:

# 1 Why Become a Journalist?
The Awesome Life You’ll Have And The Money
You’ll Make

Watch and listen to why journalism is the career for You.

In Insider Journalism Secrets On Steroids, Georgia and I talk about the amazing things we’ve got to do in our lives as a result of being journalists. Between us, we’ve covered the Oscars, Golden Globes, interviewed every major Hollywood celebrity there is, World Cups, lived in different countries. Now it’s YOUR turn.

# 2 What The Journalism Courses Don’t Want You
To Know

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: You do not need a journalism degree to be a journalist! Georgia DOES have a journalism degree. I do not. We talk about the pros and cons of this tough decision for all budding journalists.

# 3: How To Get A Job With No Journalism Degree
Or Experience

Do you still think you need a degree to get a job? Absolutely not. Georgia and I go through my argument in the book, and then give you great tips on how to get a job if this question ever comes up – You’ll learn how to get paid quickly and efficiently, how to pitch great stories, how to get newspaper and magazine editors LOVING your story ideas.

#4: The Hustle: Going That Extra Yard And
Scrapping The Resume

NEED SOME EXTRA MOTIVATION? – Most likely not after I’ve finished with you! But in case you do, you MUST watch us talk about chapter 4 in my book. Designed to get you up off your backside and working and getting paid. I call it “hustling”. You HAVE to see what Georgia and I have to say about this. Get ready to be motivated!

#5: How To Interview Someone

DON’T KNOW HOW TO ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS? – Hey, I’ve been there. But with these secret tips on how to prepare for an interview and then conduct the interview, you’ll become a pro. Find out what NOT to ask interviewees. HINT: When you read Insider Journalism Secrets, you’ll see the question I definitely should NOT have asked Hollywood star, Joaquin Phoenix

#6: How To Generate Content And Come Up With Story Ideas That Your Bosses Will Love

Ever suffer from writer’s block or something similar? It’s NO FUN. But don’t despair, because Georgia and I have some GREAT ways for you to generate story ideas that your editors or producers will LOVE you for.

#7: How To Make Thousands Of Dollars As A
Freelance Journalist

YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY, RIGHT? YOU’RE NOT ONLY DOING THIS FOR FUN. I WILL SHOW YOU HOW – Listen, you’ll read about how I did it in the book. But hear me speak about it. Hear Georgia speak about it. You need people almost ramming it down your throat repeatedly. You need to get into this winning mindset. We’re going to go into more detail about how you can make thousands of dollars writing.

#8: How To Get Media Accreditation So You Can Get Into Parties, Trade Shows, The Oscars, Super Bowl And Any Major Event You Want

THIS IS THE REALLY FUN STUFF! – Remember that scene in the movie, Wayne’s World, where Wayne and Garth get backstage passes to meet Alice Cooper after a rock show? Imagine having backstage passes to any rock concert, trade show, film festival or sporting event you want! I talk about it in the book, now hear me really talk about it in Insider Journalism Secrets On Steroids.

#9: The Top 100 List Of Things To Do To Be A
Great Journalist

FOLLOW THIS LIST AND YOU’LL CONQUER THE WORLD OF JOURNALISM! – I list the top Top 100 in the book but hear Georgia and I dissect them more thoroughly. (Georgia and I have implemented this top 100 over our 35 years…and we’ve done ok! Now it’s YOUR turn!)

#10: The Special Moments That Make Journalism
Worthwhile For YOU

DO YOU HAVE A DREAM? – If you’re reading this right now, most likely you do! I dreamed of one day meeting my childhood idol, Jon Bon Jovi. Journalism made it happen! Who do you want to meet? Who do you want to interview? Or work with? Or write for? Whatever your dream, listen to this section of Insider Journalism Secrets On Steroids because it will inspire you!

And Much, MUCH More!

“That's Over $297.00 Worth Of EXTRA Under-The-
Radar Tactics”

Imagine how your life would be different, if you knew how to get hired at almost any media organization you wanted. Picture how you will be writing the stories you want to write, interviewing the people you want to interview, you get paid what you know you deserve.

Imagine feeling motivated enough to finally free yourself of limiting beliefs and achieve everything you want. Imagined your work appearing in print, your name on the rolling credits of a TV show, your sitcom come to life on TV, the money flowing in.

You've got Insider Journalism Secrets. But take it up a notch to REALLY get you moving towards your goals. Grab this 2-hours of video and audio in Insider Journalism Secrets On Steroids.


“But You're NOT Paying Full Price…”

…But you're not going to pay the full $297.00 for the Steroids version. You won't even pay $147.00… In fact, because you just grabbed Insider Journalism Secrets, I'm making Insider Journalism Secrets On Steroids available to you right now, for a single payment of $97…

…But this is a one time offer, and as such, you must take action right away, on this page only.

But This Discounted Savings Is Yours

For Right Now, And Right Now Only…

You will never see this page again, and you will never see this discount again. You've made a wise decision to join me at Insider Journalism Secrets, so I'd like to invite you to experience Insider Journalism Secrets On Steroids as well – and I'm willing to bribe you with this two-hundred dollar discount.

However, this is a one-time only offer.

So scroll down to the bottom of this page, pick the button with the big red Yes James! Right next to it, and discover even more, proven strategies to get you the journalism job of your dreams.

And I Guarantee – For A Full 30 Days You'll Love Listening and Watching Me And Georgia Give You Our 35 Years Of Journalistic Experience To Get You Paid As A Journalist…

Listen to that 2-hours of audio for a full 30 days. I'll show you how to approach a newspaper, magazine, radio show or TV show that you want to work at. I'll show you what to say when you get an editor or producer on the phone. And I'll reveal how I made $1,000 a day in my pajamas as a journalist and you can, too. If you’re motivated enough, if this is what you really want to do, you can make this career work for you. I have the secrets that will get you the journalism career that you’ve been dreaming about.

And as always, when you love Insider Journalism Secrets On Steroids, just keep this program. No pressure whatsoever. If you don't, simply email me… use our easy customer support helpdesk… or give me a call. I'll refund your investment with no questions asked.

So let me ask you…

Are You Ready To Jump Start Your Journalism Career And Start Getting Paid?

Because right now, you need to decide that you want to know these secrets, or not. When you click YES – or click no – you will never see this offer again. You will either discover how to Jump Start Your Journalism Career Today… or… lose your one-hundred dollar discount forever.

I urge you: Push yourself to get every bit of knowledge you possibly can from experts who have a combined 35-years of experience. Don't settle for meandering along, kind-of-trying to get your journalism career, mediocre results…. (or worse, no results at all) Check the YES James! Button below, and watch and listen to the Insider Journalism Secrets on Steroids interviews, in just a few seconds.

The choice is now yours…

YES! James – I'm ready to Jump Start My Journalism Career! and hear – in detail – what to say to newspapers, magazines, online sites, blogs, TV stations and radio stations to get them wanting to hire and pay me! And I'm ready to get paid well for my writing, talking, producing, reporting, every time I produce a great piece of content (not to mention thousands of people seeing my name and recognizing me for my work!) All for only $97. Please activate my Insider Journalism Secrets account for IMMEDIATE ACCESS to Insider Journalism Secrets On Steroids so I can further learn:

  • • Why I should be a journalist
  • • What journalism courses don’t want me to know
  • • How I’ll get a job with no experience
  • • How I’ll hustle to super charge my journalism career
  • • How I’ll interview people
  • • How I’ll generate content so editors and producers will love me
  • • How I can make $1000 a day in my pajamas as a freelance journalist
  • • Inside info on how I can get backstage passes to rock concerts, Super Bowls, and The Oscars
  • • Top 100 list of things I should do to be a great journalist
  • Plus, I'll Get A Shocking $100.00 Discount For Taking Action Right Now. And I GET IMMEDIATE ACCESS TO THE 2 HOURS FROM JAMES AND GEORGIA FOR JUST ONE PAYMENT OF $97!

All I gotta do is click the button below, right now:

