1 Weird Secret You Must Follow To Become A Successful Music Writer
Do you keep reading the bad news?
Budgets at newspapers, radio and television stations are being cut in this tough, economic climate.
Music writers are losing their jobs as newsrooms and production departments are downsized.
Music writers are finding it hard to sell their stories and find work. What music journalists are being paid has also dropped dramatically in recent years.
If you’re like most budding music writers or journalism graduates today, you’re worrying about how you’re going to get a job or earn a living.
You may have a journalism degree, you may have enthusiasm and passion, but you’re finding that it still isn’t enough as the job or story rejections come flowing in.
It’s tough out there!
Fortunately, there are bright, shining solutions – which only experienced journalists know – to make you stand out and get you hired or paid.
Let’s show you a couple of them.
To get you a job as a music writer, you need to:
Secret #1: Develop an in-depth knowledge of a particular subject and Send editors story suggestions
What does that mean exactly?
Well, before you approach a media organization looking for a job, know a particular subject inside and out.
Journalists generally report about a particular area, whether that’s music, politics, government, corruption, science, health, the environment, celebrities, entertainment, education, communities, motoring, finance, religion, technology. Whatever.
For example, if a budding journalist was passionate about fashion, then they should read Vogue and Cosmopolitan magazines and Fashion Weekly and illustrate to a prospective employer how much they know about fashion.
If you are a sports nut and want a job in sports, impress them with your in-depth knowledge of sports.
If you’re a music fan, you know what you have to do. You must impress them with your musical knowledge.
Employers will more often than not hire the candidate with an in-depth knowledge of a particular area over someone who simply has a journalism degree.
This is because they want experts in these fields.
They don’t want a fashion expert reporting on music. They don’t want a music fanatic reporting on fashion.
But they DO want a fashion expert reporting on fashion and a music expert reporting on music.
So walk in knowing everything you can about a certain area and convince your prospective employer you know everything there is to know.
This will DRAMATICALLY increase your chances of getting hired.
Secondly, send in story suggestions.
If you want a job as a music writer at a local music magazine, read it intently for a week to see what type of music stories they produce.
Then draw up a list of six possible story ideas that magazine would realistically consider reporting.
Send those story ideas to the station’s director or producer or editor or whoever makes the content decisions.
That person will love you! You are helping them do their job!
Who doesn’t love that?
The same scenario applies if you want to work at a newspaper, magazine, radio station, or other TV channels.
Think of music story ideas and send them in to the appropriate person.
When the time comes to hire, the powers-that-be will remember you above all others.
And they may even give you work right there on the spot.
There are “4 secrets you must follow to become a successful music writer”
The secrets in the video have been proven to help budding journalists get paid freelance work and land their dream jobs in the US, UK, Australia and beyond.
Click here to learn more about these 4 secrets