151: The 7-Minute Workout When You Have No Time

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Do you use time as an excuse for why you don’t workout? Do you feel like, in order for your workout to be of any value, you need to be able to devote 1-1.5 hours to it? The truth is that you don’t! The health and wellness benefits of working out regularly are far too high for you to use time as an excuse for skipping it, so listen to this episode to learn my 7-minute workout for when you have no time!

In addition I’ll be telling you about why spending time in the sun is so vital to health, and why you should make an effort to spend time barefoot in the grass for a greater sense of well-being and connection with the earth.

If you’re a busy person, and someone who is trying to prioritize health and wellness in your life, then this episode is for you! Learn how I’m able to fit a workout into any day, regardless of how busy the day is, on this episode of the James Swanwick Show!

Key Takeaways:

  • A short workout his 100% better than no workout. Even if you have “no time,” you can make 7-minutes for a workout
  • 4 – 5 sets of 20 burpees is enough to get the heart-rate up, and give you the benefits of a workout
  • Burpees are a good choice here because you’re utilizing every part of your body, rather than isolating one area. When you have little time, this is ideal
  • Studies show: Exercise = happiness. Make the time for it
  • Try to get time walking barefoot on grass, for a deeper connection to the earth. The earth has a magnetic pulse, and many think that when we spend time barefoot on the grass, it increases our sense of well-being
  • There’s no excuse for not doing the 7-minute workout. You can make the time


Burpee Demonstration Video

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