242: Early Warning Signs of Alcoholism

Most people don’t have a huge problem with alcohol, and many people in my 30 Day No Alcohol Challenge program have come to it, not because they have a severe problem, but because they want more out of life!

But there are also people who should not be drinking because of some early warning of alcoholism signs that are starting to show up.

But how do you know?? What are the signs to watch out for??

This episode is all about how you can know you have a problem and take care of it before it becomes a bigger issue. Listening carefully, and check the list below, to make sure you’re not headed this direction. If you’re at all worried, or if you just want more from life, consider taking the 30 Day No Alcohol Challenge.

You could be headed towards alcoholism if:

  • You need to drink more to get the same effect, you’re heading the direction of alcoholism
  • You spend a lot of time drinking and recovering
  • You continue to drink even though it harms your relationship
  • You cannot quit or control your drinking
  • You experience withdrawal symptoms


How to Treat Withdrawal Symptoms (video)

“30 Day No Alcohol Challenge” by James Swanwick (book)

30 Day No Alcohol Challenge

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