209: Fit, Focused, and Full of Life! How Your Thyroid Could Be Holding You Back, with Elle Russ

“Patients need to do their own research, and become educated on the issues that may be affecting them. You can’t count on anyone, including a doctor, else to know.” – Elle Russ

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Are you familiar with the functionality of your thyroid? Do you even know where your thyroid is in your body?

If you don’t, don’t feel too bad, I didn’t either! But as we learn in this episode, the thyroid is one of the most important areas to take care of, as it is essentially the life-force of your body! This is where you get your energy from, and where a lot of other essential functions of your body take place, so take notice of today’s episode!

Elle Russ is on the show to take you through exactly what you need to do in order to make sure that you are taking care of your thyroid, and how to deal with it if you have already developed thyroid issues.

But be careful! Many doctors are not educated enough to understand what is going on with your thyroid, so we carefully outline some of the questions you need to ask them to make sure that they have a deep enough understanding of the issues to effectively take care of you.

This is an extremely important topic, so listen up and take notes! Whether this is an issues for you at the moment or not, this is a topic that you must be aware of, and that you actively need to be taking steps today to protect. Learn how to do all of that on today’s episode of the James Swanwick Show!

“Vet your doctor by asking specific questions about the issue that you have researched.” – Elle Russ

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Key Takeaways

  • Thyroid issues are full of non-diagnoses
  • Patients need to do their own research, and become educated on the issues that may be affecting them. You can’t count on anyone, including a doctor, else to know
  • The thyroid is like the energy center for your entire system. When you have thyroid issues, it affects everything about your health and energy levels
  • When you over-workout and over-diet, your chances of developing thyroid issues are high
  • Thyroid metabolism needs to be optimized
  • Sometimes you don’t realize the onset of thyroid issues. Maybe you just have slight cognitive issues, feel dumb, or have a general disinterest in life
  • Vet your doctor by asking specific questions about the issue that you have researched
  • Whenever you are recommended anything from doctors, get 2nd and 3rd opinions, as well as doing your own research

Symptoms of Thyroid Issues

  • Low body temperature
  • You feel cold
  • Depression
  • Inner itching of the ears
  • Acne
  • Heavy legs
  • Heart palpitations
  • Gynecological or sexual malfunctions

Thyroid Testing to Ask Your Doctor For:

  • TSH
  • Free T3
  • Free T4
  • Reverse T3
  • TGAB


“The Paleo Thyroid Solution” by Elle Russ
