131: Which Major Brands Are Lying to You About Their “Healthy” Green Juice? With Ian Ryan of Fearless and Healthy

“It doesn’t matter how healthy something is, too much of it is a bad thing.” – Ian Ryan

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We’ve been made to believe, through clever marketing and brand positioning, that certain brands and juices are good for us. Brands like Naked and Odwalla have done everything in their power to make us believe that they are healthy options, but are we being lead astray? Are the very foods that we’ve been told are healthy, actually keeping us fat, lazy, and unproductive?

Ian Ryan, host of the Fearless and Healthy podcast, is here to talk about the sneaky ways sugar can sneak into a diet and ruin all attempts at weight loss, or just healthy living and eating in general! Some of the worst culprits are the two above mentioned brands, Naked and Odwalla, and the incredible amount of sugar that ends up in a single bottle of their “all-natural” juice does far more harm than good!

The real problem lies in the proportions. Fruits like apples and others can be beneficial in small portions, but often pre-packaged juices contain unreasonable amounts, and the sugar content gets far too high for healthy eating.

On this episode of The James Swanwick Show, Ian Ryan talks about some of the simple ways that we can know that we’re safe and healthy in what we are choosing to eat. Look for items with a very small ingredient list. Shop around the perimeter of the grocery store. Always check the serving size before the nutrition facts. Plus, tons more to help you live the healthiest lifestyle possible, on this episode of the James Swanwick Show.



Notes on the Show:

  • We make certain assumptions based on the brand or the store that what they sell will be healthy, when that’s often not the case
  • Be aware of the number of servings on the container. A bottle of “healthy” juice could have 25 grams of sugar, but there’s 2.5 servings in the bottle, so a lot of people end up drinking between 50-100 grams of sugar
  • One of the only healthy ways to go is to make your own juice, and understand that you can’t pack it with fruit. More veggies than fruit. Fruit should only be added as a touch of flavor
  • Even sugars from fruit, which most people consider to be healthy, are still going to raise your blood sugar, and if you’re trying to go on a cleanse or lose weight, you need to be very conscious of the sugar levels
  • To be safe, stay away from anything that is bottled
  • Shop the perimeter of the grocery store, not the center aisles
  • Berries are often the healthiest type of fruit
  • Bananas are one of the least healthy type of fruit
  • Always pay attention to serving sizes. Even if something is healthy, too much is still a bad thing
  • Learn how to read labels and understand nutrition and portions
  • Don’t eat things with tons of ingredients
  • Avoid lean fats and fat-free foods
  • Nuts are healthy, but extremely dense in calories, so be careful of servings sizes. Eat them slowly so that they will fill you up
  • Your body is very dehydrated in the morning, so make sure you have water before anything else
  • Try a homemade healthy green smoothie in the morning


“Always look for items with a very small ingredient list. Those are healthiest.” – Ian Ryan

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Onnit.com – Super-food green mixes that are very healthy



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James:              Are green juices really that healthy?  It seems crazy to think that they wouldn’t be, right?  But if you had been following my Facebook Live page a couple of weeks ago, I actually recorded a video in a Whole Foods in Houston, in Texas, when I was down there for a real-estate seminar.  And I had two juices in front of me that I got from Whole Foods, and I looked at the ingredients on the back and one of them said six grams of sugar, and the other one said 24 grams of sugar!  I might be out by one or two grams here but it was something crazy like that.

And it just goes to show that you can never be so sure that the juice that you are drinking is actually that healthy for you.  And to help us decipher which juices are healthy and which juices definitely are not healthy, and why, we’ve got San Diego based health and nutrition expert, Ian Ryan, who is the host of the Fearless and Healthy Podcast of which I’ve been a guest on before.  Ian, welcome.

Ian:                  I’m excited to be here, James.  Let’s talk unhealthy and healthy juices.

James:              Yeah.  I mean, I was shocked—I remember about six years ago I got into this smoothie thing            where I’m like putting mango and banana and apple and oranges, and things in a smoothie with ice and going, “I’m so healthy, I’m just putting a whole lot of vitamin C in me.”  And I stayed fat!  I’m not fat but I stayed—kind of like I kept the belly fat, none of it was gone.  I couldn’t understand it, I’m like, you know, all this vitamin C.  It wasn’t until years later when I became more knowledgeable that there’s so much sugar in some fruits, especially the tropical fruits.  Now, green juices, we usually associate that with like the best that nature can provide us with.  Kale, spinach, celery, little bit of apple.  But the truth is out there and the truth is that some green juices are really bad for you.  So tell us, explain it to us, Ian.

Ian:                  Yeah.  Well definitely.  Well the first thing you hit on is you walk into Whole Foods and people think, “Oh, I’m going into a healthy food store,” and half the time the stuff in there isn’t healthy.  And we get this pre-conceived notion that everything is going to be healthy when we walk into a store like that.  The second thing is we see these advertisements for these healthy juices.  Naked, for example, is a brand that produces these different flavored juices and they are absolutely loaded with sugar.  First off, they don’t tell you that there’s actually like about 2.5 servings in each one of those Naked drinks, and that’s the small one, that’s not the bigger one.

So when you add up the sugar in one of those things a lot of times you’re going to be between 50 and 100 grams of sugar per juice.  I mean it’s pretty ridiculous, so a lot of times you’ve got to watch out for that stuff.  First off, there’s a lot of junk in there besides just fruit.  You know, they add a bunch of added sugar in there and that stuff is just going to raise your blood sugar and like you said, it’s going to keep you fat.  So when I was younger—when I was in college, that’s what thought you were supposed to do and like you said, I couldn’t take the fat off because I was thinking that these juices were actually healthy.

Whereas where you really need to go is you need to create your own juice and remember that you can’t load them up with fruit because the fruit is what’s going to have a ton of sugar in them.  So I always try to cut them with twice as much vegetables as I do fruit.  So for example if I’m creating my own shake, you know, I’ll put in kale, I’ll put in spinach, and then I’ll put in a little bit of fruit to give it a little bit of flavor.  But you always have to remember to load up with more veggies than fruit if you really want it to be healthy.  So that’s what I would say, I would say, you know, watch out for the Odwalla, watch out for the Naked.  Watch out for the stuff that you see on the shelves at Whole Foods, really read the labels, understand how much sugar is in them, and then pay attention to the serving sizes as well.

James:              So, you said Naked, what’s the other one you said?  Odwalla, was it?

Ian:                  Odwalla.

James:              How do you spell that?

Ian:                  I believe it’s O-D-W-E-L-L-A.

James:              Ok. So Naked, the juices, the really popular one—

Ian:                  Right.

James:              That’s terrible, right?

Ian:                  Well it tastes good but it’s terrible for you for sure.  It’s got so many preservatives in them, loaded and they advertise it as just being completely healthy with fruits and vegetables.

James:              [Laughing].

Ian:                  But we know the reality, James, and it took me a little while to understand that but I think that people are starting to catch on.  People are starting to realize that just because it has a name on it it’s not actually healthy.  When we look at it we can discover what’s really in it.

James:              So what else besides—I’m looking here at Odwalla online, in fact, I’m going to go live on Facebook Live right now, we’re going to bring in some questions for you.  So if you’re listening in on the podcast I’m actually going live on my Facebook official page, which is James Swanwick Official.  I’m going to do a little Snapchat as well, Ian, at the end—

Ian:                  Ok.

James:              So you can follow me on my Snapchat, which is Jamessway.  So let’s go live here on Facebook and we’ll get some questions in, hang on a second.  [Three beeps].  Alright!  Which juice is the Devil?  Which seemingly healthy green juice is actually laden with sugar?  Hello Facebooker, we’re doing a podcast interview right now, and I’m talking to Ian Ryan who is a San Diego based health and physical fitness expert.  And so far we’ve come up with Naked Juice and Odwalla, O-D-W-A-L-L-A, which actually have an insane amount of sugar in them.  Even though they’re promoted as being super healthy and filled with amazing fruits and vegetables, there’s an insane amount of sugar in it which is not good for you.  Where does the sugar come from, Ian?

Ian:                  It’s preservatives, it’s un-natural sources of sugar.  And a lot of times you’ll have artificial sweetener in there, you have all types of different stuff.  And then you mix that in with the amount of sugar that comes from the actual fruit, which in essence, you think that because it’s natural that it’s going to be good for you.  But the reality is it’s still going to raise your blood sugar and if your idea is to go on, for example, a cleanse and lose weight, you need to be really conscious about the sugar.  The sugar is the number one thing, in my opinion that’s going to make you put on weight.  So you really need to be conscious when you’re reading this stuff, and my advice would really be to stay away from anything that you’re going to see bottled up.

There’s some stuff that you can get, like at a juice bar that’s going to be more natural but a lot of times when you’re walking in places like Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods and you see this stuff in the store you should avoid it—

James:              Right.

Ian:                  You really got to avoid that stuff.

James:              Ok.  So some of the bad ones here, we’ve got Naked, Odwalla.  Do we have any other brands?  Any other specific brands we can publicly shame here?

Ian:                  Those would be the two that come off the top of my head that are really going to be bad juices that I would stay away from.

James:              Ok.  If you’re watching on Facebook, please do ask a question here.  Well here we go, we’ve got a question coming through here from Sam who says, “Non-organic, added sugar, not fresh, low anti-oxidants, chemical additives or preservatives.”  Sam, what’s your question?  I guess that’s what we should be looking for on the label, is that right, Ian?

Ian:                  Yes, absolutely.  We want to keep away from stuff with preservatives in it, absolutely.  That’s why I would say—on a different topic, that’s why I always tell people to shop around the perimeter to the grocery store.  You want real foods, you don’t want stuff that’s loaded with preservatives.  And that’s what you’re going to find in a lot of these juices and you’ll also find them in all the aisles of the grocery store where people disguise these juices as really healthy juices when a lot of times they’re really filled with crap.

James:              So what are the healthy juices then?  So we’ve publicly shamed two of them, what are—if we’re not doing it at home, let’s say we’re buying juices out and about.  What do you know to be one of the healthiest ones with low sugar content and low preservatives?

Ian:                  I think that it can be really hard to determine what is healthy and what’s not, unless you see something made in front of you.  So even if you’re not home, what I would suggest is going to a place where they do juices and you can see them bottle them up right in front of you.  You can actually see exactly what they put in them.  And a lot of times those are your little Ma and Pa juice stands that they make the juices and they make that stuff right in front of you.  And that’s what I would suggest because that’s the only time—just like, for example, if you’re at a restaurant, you’re not going to be able to really determine what’s in there.

I mean, there’s different—if you really want to get healthy stuff, for example, ownit.com has some really good green mixes that you can get.  Superfood blends that they will send to your house and that stuff is pretty good, you can actually see all the ingredients on the back and create your own superfood mix from that.  That’s a supplement company that I definitely would recommend, not an affiliate or anything like that but I’m really big on their products.  So being able to do that, being able to really analyze the stuff on the back is really important.

James:              So I was amazed, actually, that apples have a lot of sugar in it.  And so any juice that is very much laden with five apples or something—you know you see those juices that you buy and it’s got like kale, spinach, celery and you’re thinking great, that’s awesome so far.  And then it’s got five apples and three bananas or something, and then you go, ok, that’s where the alarm bells should be going off because we’re not actually designed to eat five apples at the same time.  An apple by itself is actually fine but apple juice is highly concentrated in sugar.

There’s also this complete fallacy that a glass of orange juice in the morning is good for you, and this was peddled for like 40, 50 years.  Like the traditional American breakfast, you have a glass of orange juice in the morning.  There is so much sugar in a glass of orange juice, it is insanity.

Ian:                  You just brought up a good point about the five apple thing, if you look on the back of a Naked drink, they’ll promote it as healthy.  And if you look at the back—don’t quote me on this to be exact, but it will say, two apples, two oranges, one banana, one pear and a half container of blue berries or something like that.  And if you don’t know better, you’re thinking the fruit’s healthy so this has to be a healthy drink.  But like you said, it’s absolutely loaded with sugar.  And at the end of the day, that’s going to make you fat, that’s going to raise your blood sugar.  The other thing to pay attention to is there’s a lot of different fruits and each fruit is going to raise your glycemic index differently.

So for example, some fruits are healthier than others.  I think, if we’re talking fruits here, some healthy ones are berries.  You know blue berries are really—I would say, a healthier fruit, loaded with anti-oxidants.  But then bananas are on the other side of the spectrum.  So while it does have potassium, some good things in it, I’d stay away from bananas as well.

James:              We’re talking to Ian Ryan, who is the host of the Fearless and Healthy Podcast.  Make sure you check him out iTunes, the Fearless and Healthy Podcast.  He’s based in San Diego and he’s a health expert and nutritionist.  I’ve got a couple of questions here, Ian.  Tim Ulstrum asks, “Would you be looking for a detox juice?”  Is there a detox juice?  I guess.

Ian:                  I’ve never been a person that has really been big on cleanses, I think that every once in a while it’s good to kind of reset your system.  So everyone has a different take as to whether or not they’re good, I would never recommend that someone just go on a full out juicing diet and replace their regular diet with juicing.  I think some of the three-day cleanses can be good.  You really got to look and see which one works for you, some people like the Dr. Oz cleanses and all that stuff, I don’t think one is really necessarily better than the other.  You’ve got to look for something that’s not super extreme, that’s not going to limit you too much.  And I would never recommend doing it for more than about three days.

You’re going to be able to reset your system in a couple of days and anything more than that you’re really going to start craving bad foods.  And that’s the problem with that is if you try to go on a cleanse too long, that’s when your body’s going to start craving the junk.

James:              I have a Vitamix here which is a very, very expensive blender.  It’s like $500 or $600 to buy one of these damn things, you know.

Ian:                  Yeah.

James:              But I bought it about two years ago, maybe almost two years ago and it was a wonderful investment even though I bought it kicking and screaming at the time, “I can’t believe I’m spending $500 on a freaking blender.”

Ian:                  [Laughing].

James:              But anyway, I bought this blender and I’ve got to tell you, it keeps me healthy because I use it.  I put healthy stuff in there.  Now, I also have a bit of a sweet tooth, Ian, I like some late night ice cream on occasion.  And I’m noticing that I’m starting to eat a little bit more of it than I shouldn’t have done, so I actually just bought myself an ice cream maker—a homemade ice cream maker.  But here’s the thing, here’s the trick: people might be thinking, “Oh, that’s a disaster, now you’re going to make homemade ice cream.”  Well, yes I am going to make homemade ice cream, but it’s going to be with full cream coconut milk, so it’s going to be coconut milk based.

Little bit of fruit, so a little bit of berries and some blue berries and some black berries, maybe a little strawberry here and there.  I’ll put a couple of eggs in there, for texture, I’ll put in a little bit of coconut oil.  Even though I’m using coconut milk, I probably don’t need the coconut oil but I’ll put a little bit of dash in there.  Maybe a little splash of vanilla extract, maybe even a little bit of grass fed butter.  And then a whole bunch of ice.  So tell me, is my thinking right that that is actually, if I don’t go overboard obviously, if I eat it in moderation, that that is a super healthy, good fat laden, homemade ice cream meal?

Ian:                  There’s some pretty good stuff in there and you just named a lot of good ingredients.  Coconut oil is one of my favorite super foods, its got so many health benefits it’s ridiculous.  From giving you energy, and it’s actually a fat so although that’s a fat it actually helps speed up your metabolism.  It’s crazy the way that works.  But you’ve got a lot of great stuff in there.  But always, you’ve got to watch the amount that you’re putting in there.  Because just because something’s healthy, if you put too much of it in there you’re still going to gain weight.  For example, all the ingredients for the most part that you just named were good, but you’ve still got to watch your serving sizes because even if something’s a healthy fat, too much of the healthy fat will still make you fat.

That being said, everything that you just named is going to be a lot better than going to Ben & Jerry’s and getting a brownie sundae with caramel, hot fudge, whipped cream and all types of other stuff.  So yes and no, just watch the serving sizes or maybe make a bunch and then put it in your refrigerator so that you can have a little bit in moderation over the week.

James:              Yeah, yeah.  The only sugar that’s really coming out of that is the fruit that I put in there, right?

Ian:                  Right.

James:              I don’t really even need to put in the fruit, I can actually put in some chocolate flavored, grass fed, whey protein powder—

Ian:                  Yeah.

James:              Which again doesn’t have any sugar.  Now it doesn’t mean you’re not putting any calories in, you’re still putting calories into your body, but that really eliminates the really bad stuff which is the sugar.

Ian:                  No, it definitely doesn’t.  Something that I do—it tastes pretty good, this is a good post workout but also I’ll do it when I get a sweet tooth at night.  I’ll do a Choboni yogurt, so I’ll do a low fat Choboni yogurt and I usually get the regular flavor.  And then I’ll actually add whey protein, you can do chocolate or vanilla.  And then I’ll add some berries, so that will be where my sugar is coming from.  But that cures my sweet tooth and then you’re getting the protein, you’re just getting a little bit of sugar from the berries but a much better alternative than eating ice cream as well.  And you know that’s going to be loaded with protein as well.

James:              Yeah.  This idea of low fat is all a big joke as well, isn’t it?  Like all these advertising on yogurts like, low fat yogurt and low fat ice cream all this kind of stuff.  Do you want to just find holes in that kind of marketing for us, Ian?

Ian:                  Yeah, it’s all BS.  Honestly you’ve got to watch out for everything out in the industry.  There’s a new fad, there’s a new diet, there’s some BS gimmick that’s coming out.  Low fat this, low fat this, low carb this.  In reality you’ve just got to make healthy, conscious decisions and in terms of fat everyone has their own take.  I actually like a more of a high fat diet that is lower in carbs.  Now if you want to talk macro nutrients, everyone has a different take.  But the reality is everyone’s body is going to be different, it’s going to react differently, some people are more carb sensitive than others.  You’ve got to find out what works for you, but don’t fall into the marketing that’s out there because if you do that you’re going to get cluttered with information.

You’re not going to know which way to go and you’re probably going to end up buying one of those 14 day detoxes and then come off that detox and want to go to McDonald’s and get something off the dollar menu because you’re driving yourself absolutely crazy.  Read labels, learn what’s on the back of things and really just make conscious food decisions and you’ll be in good shape.

James:              I think anyone who’s overweight should just take a class in reading food labels.

Ian:                  Right.

James:              Literally, instead of them teaching us math and science and chemistry or ancient history and stuff in school, they should just teach us how to read food labels.  Oh my God, you’d save the obesity epidemic in the United States in one semester of class.  In one lesson you get kids like—you bring out a whole lot of different juices and different foods and you’re saying to them, “List these in order of health in terms of what’s the most healthy versus what you know is the least healthy.”  And get ten-year-old kids understanding this and doing it every year.  You would lose so much weight, everyone.  You know what I’m talking about, right?  I’m Australian American, I love this country and I’m a dual citizen.  But man, there are some fat bastards in this country.

Ian:                  There are definitely, definitely a lot of fat bastards.  Absolutely on point with that, James.  Learn how to read labels and then eat stuff that doesn’t have a million ingredients in them.  You always know that that’s not a good thing when you see a million different things in food.  If something has one or two ingredients, it’s usually going to be a lot better than the 50 things.  So another thing is like lean pockets and all that BS that they advertise is healthy that you find in the frozen section of the grocery store, stay away from that stuff too.  Because that stuff’s terrible for you as well.

James:              Then it gets even trickier because then you’ve got things to do with nuts, right.  Now raw nuts are actually very good for you, like raw almonds and raw cashews and things like that.  But then if they’re roasted nuts they’re not good for you, so there’s another thing you’ve got to look out for because you might go, “I heard James’ podcast, I was listening to Ian Ryan, they said nuts are good fat.  So that’s good I’m just going to eat peanuts, I’m going eat these roasted nuts here.”  But when you roast nuts something happens.  Isn’t that right, Ian?

Ian:                  Yeah.  You definitely want to stay away from the roasted nuts you want to definitely eat the raw nuts.  And another thing to keep in mind with that, since everyone’s listening on the podcast, is nuts are extremely calorie dense.  So we were just touching on the fact that you need to read food labels.  If you’re eating raw nuts and I would definitely recommend, like you said, almonds would be something that would be a good version of a nut.  Pay attention to the serving sizes on those because if you eat a bag of almonds there’s no telling how many calories that you could actually be consuming.  They’re very dense, they’ll fill you up quickly.

So another way to do that is don’t eat nuts fast, actually slow down your eating and you’ll notice that you’ll actually—they’re very satiating.  So you’ll get full quickly, so that’s something to keep in mind too.  If you’re going to eat nuts in your diet make sure that they’re not roasted, make sure that they’re raw, like almonds and then make sure that you’re watching your serving sizes well.

James:              And Nicholas who’s following on Facebook Live here says, “Watch out for the salt levels as well.”  Salt as well as roasted.  I actually have some almond butter in my fridge at the moment and it’s raw almond butter.  And I looked on the ingredients and it says raw almonds and I’m like, cool.

Ian:                  Beautiful.

James:              That’s good enough for me.  I’ll have a scoop of that in the afternoon when I get a bit of hunger, so which is terrific.  So let’s start to wrap this up Ian.  We’re talking to Ian Ryan who is the host of the Fearless and Healthy podcast, I’d encourage you to go and subscribe to Ian’s podcast, the Fearless and Healthy podcast.  Any other tips, any other little food hacks that people think that they’re healthy but they’re actually not very healthy?

Ian:                  Yeah, one thing in the morning that I would encourage you is your body [inaudible 22:34] hydrated in the morning so make sure that you hydrate before you have any coffee or anything.  And there’s a couple of things I do, something that’s—it would be a super simple way to get your day off to the right start.  Do a green food smoothie in the morning, make sure that you can load it up.  Kind of like how James just mentioned his dessert, that’s how I load up my nutribullet.  I throw in greens, I try to throw in a little bit of fruit, I’ll put in some healthy fats, chopped ice.  And from there I’ll just put in some type of mix or coconut water, almond milk, coconut milk, something that is going to be a little bit low in sugar but it’ll give you a little bit of flavor.

That’s going to give you sustained energy throughout the day.  A lot of those ingredients that I just named, like coconut oil, will actually speed up your metabolism through the day too.  And then all the other BS, here’s something people say—a lot of people think you have to eat six, seven meals a day.  That’s really something that’s kind of going out of style now too, it’s more about getting the right foods in and making sure that your calorie levels are going to be.  If you’re looking to lose weight obviously you can’t’ be in a surplus but really just eating the right foods and not pay attention to everything that’s out there.

James:              Yeah.  I’ve got a gallon of water here and this is ionized water, actually, which is really purified water.  And the visual component of this is seeing it means I have to drink a gallon per day.  I don’t always do it but I at least get down about three quarters but just seeing that size there rather than just having little individual glasses and having like a big bottle forces me to drink, a lot of water.

Ian:                  It’s visual, right in front of you.  I love it.

James:              Yeah, you can’t escape it, it’s a visual cue.  Ok.  Nicholas says, “Thanks for your time, Ian.”  Tim Alstrum says, “I always recommend that your gut is prepped and cleansed for optimum absorption.”  Let’s have a look here, what other comments have we got here?  Yeah, some other people agreeing with you here.  “Space ice cream from NASA is great.”  Do you know what this thing is, space ice cream?

Ian:                  I haven’t heard of that, I haven’t heard of that.

James:              I don’t know what it is either [laugh], let’s Google it right now.  Space ice cream, NASA.  Let’s have a look here, what comes up?

Ian:                  I think I’m going to have to get you a recipe, James, that sounds pretty good.

James:              [Laugh] it looks like it’s frozen ice cream here.  Cool.  Well, Ian, thank you so much for your time and I appreciate that.  Make sure that—this is not to you but to the listener and to the follower, make sure that you do follow Ian at the Fearless and Healthy podcast.  You can subscribe to him on iTunes.  Where else can we find you on social media or your website, Ian?

Ian:                  Yeah, definitely check out FearlessandHealthy.com, I do interviews three times a week.  Two times with fitness experts and peak performance experts and on Friday I do a solo show.  You can also join my Facebook community free group, it’s called The Fearless and Healthy community.  Just search for it on Facebook, I’d love to have you in there, talk fitness, talk about habits and how to create better rituals in your life.  And I look forward to connecting with anyone that’s listening to the show right now.

James:              Nice one.  So we’ll say goodbye to Facebook Viewer Live and we’ll do a little Snapchat here on my Snapchat, if you’re watching me on Facebook make sure you follow me on Snapchat which is just my name, James Swanwick because I do a little daily 10 second videos here and tips on how you can optimize your life.  So if you want to watch those on a daily basis just follow me on Snapchat.  So farewell Facebook Viewer, go ahead and share this to someone who you know drinks a lot of green juices and warn them.  Share it right now, share this video and warn them that maybe the green juices that they think they’re drinking are not that healthy after all.

Ian:                  Get away from Naked.

James:              There you go, get away from Naked.  See you later Facebooker.  Ok, so we’ve said goodbye to our Facebook audience, we’re still here with the podcast and the viewer on YouTube.  Let us now go to, we’ll do a little snap—want to do a little Snapchat for me?

Ian:                  Let’s do it.

James:              Ok.  I’ve got 3% battery left, let’s see if we can squeeze it in there.  So we’ll do two videos, one where I set you up and then one where you’re going to say that the two really bad juices are, ok?  Here we go so, one, two, three.  Ok, I’m interviewing Ian Ryan from the Fearless and Healthy podcast, who is about to tell you two green juices which are supposedly healthy but are not healthy.  I’m just putting this on my Snapchat right now, if you’re listening on the podcast, this is just the joys of technology.  Let’s send that, and then here we go, and you’ve got 10 seconds, Ian, are you ready?  Three, two, one—

Ian:                  Naked juices stay away from them and Odwalla smoothies, loaded with sugar and junk.  So create your own juices and green drinks.

James:              Perfect.  Look at that, beautiful.  So stay away from Naked and Odwalla juices.  Sugar and then put a little—there we go.  Beautiful.  Thank you.

Ian:                  Absolutely, man, it was fun.

James:              So there you go, now you’re on my Snapchat, which is @jamesswanwick.  That’s how you spell my name, it’s pronounced Swanwick.  If you’re listening on the podcast be sure to follow me on Snapchat so you can get little daily 10 seconds of my life.  A day in the life of James and the little hacks that I do.  Thank you to you, Ian, this has been fun.  Appreciate it mate.

Ian:                  Thanks a lot, had a blast, James.

James:              Alright, catch you on the next one.

Ian:                  Yep.



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