232: How to Crush Depression with Elite Man Justin Stenstrom

Some studies show that 1 in every 5 people suffer from some sort of depression at some point in their lives, and rates of depression have been rising over the last 100 years, even as the quality of life has improved. So it’s not always about what is going on in a life, but rather about biology, as well as tendencies, and can be set off by very difficult times in life.

Justin Stenstrom of The Elite Man Magazine is on the podcast today to talk about ways that you can get over depression and start to really live the life you want! Far too many people let depression, or just down times in their lives, hold them back from who they want to be, and Justin is laying out the 8 steps to get out of that place in your life and onto living the life you want!

Whether you suffer from depression now, have in the past, or just want to know how to live a healthier more full life to avoid any potential issues in the future, this episode is for you! Enjoy!

Key Takeaways:

  • Having depression is one of the most paralyzing and energy, life-draining things someone can go through
  • While depression has a lot to do with biology, there are also very real and practical steps that you can take to improve it
  • Understand that the process changing your life and moving out of depression will take time
  • Tell other people who are close to you what you are going through. Don’t hold it in
  • The last thing you should do is sit around at home

9 Steps to Overcome Depression:

  1. Realize that you’re not going crazy, that you’re 100% normal, and that many other people face the same problems
  2. Hypnosis, meditation, or yoga
  3. Live in the present moment
  4. Exercise regularly
  5. Improve your sleep
  6. Improve your diet
  7. Take supplements if you need to
  8. Get out and socialize. Meet people!
  9. Find a purpose in your life



Twitter: @JustinStenstrom
